Can You Collect Long-Term Disability and Pension?

Long-term disability and pension are financial benefits that can help individuals cope with financial difficulties due to unforeseen circumstances, such as injury or chronic illness. However, many people often wonder if they can collect both benefits simultaneously.

The answer to this question is not entirely straightforward, as it depends on various factors such as the terms of the specific disability and pension plans, the individual’s work history, and the regulations in their state. This article will explore these factors in more detail to help you understand whether you can collect long-term disability and pension benefits.

retirement pension

What is Long-Term Disability?

Long-term disability insurance replaces a portion of your income if you’re unable to work due to a prolonged illness or injury. Unlike short-term disability insurance, which covers a brief period of weeks or months, long-term disability insurance typically comes into play when a person is disabled for several months or years.

Long-term disability (LTD) insurance is a type of benefit that provides income replacement if an individual becomes disabled and unable to work for an extended period. LTD insurance policies are often purchased through an employer or obtained individually through insurance companies. The coverage typically starts after short-term disability benefits run out, from three to six months after the onset.

The amount of LTD benefits an individual receives typically depends on their pre-disability income and the specific terms of their policy. Depending on their policy terms, beneficiaries can receive between 50% to 70% of their pre-disability income tax-free.

The amount of pension benefits an individual receives typically depends on their work history, including the number of years they worked for the employer, the amount of money they earned while working, and the employer’s pension formula. In addition, pension benefits are often taxed, and the amount can vary depending on the individual’s tax bracket.

Can You Collect Long-Term Disability and Pension

Yes, it is possible to collect both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and Long-Term Disability (LTD) insurance benefits concurrently. However, your total amount will be reduced. This is because the amount of SSDI you receive is determined by your work history and the amount of Social Security taxes you’ve paid, and it is not directly affected by the receipt of LTD benefits.

Many LTD insurance companies also require recipients to apply for SSDI benefits as a prerequisite for receiving LTD benefits. This requirement is often included in the policy provisions. For instance, some LTD insurance policies require beneficiaries to apply for SSDI within a specific timeframe, often within one year of starting to receive disability benefits.

This requirement is because if you are approved for SSDI, your LTD insurance provider will likely use a provision in the policy known as an “offset.” This means they will reduce the amount they pay you by the amount you receive from SSDI. This is not “double-dipping” — you are not receiving the full amount from both sources. Instead, the total amount you receive (from both SSDI and your LTD policy) will equal the amount of LTD benefits you received before you were approved for SSDI.

For example, if your LTD benefit is $2,000 per month, and you are approved for $1,000 in SSDI, your insurance company will offset or reduce your benefits by $1,000. You would then receive $1,000 from your LTD insurance and $1,000 from SSDI, totaling the original $2,000.

One important note is that receiving LTD benefits will not directly impact your SSDI application process or your SSDI benefit amount. This is because the government operates the SSDI program and is independent of private insurance companies. Therefore, the amount of SSDI you receive is determined by your work history and the amount of Social Security taxes you’ve paid, and it is not directly affected by the receipt of LTD benefits.

However, if you receive workers’ compensation or other public disability benefits, this could reduce the amount of SSDI you receive due to the Social Security Administration’s rules about these types of benefits.

Speak with a financial advisor or attorney familiar with disability benefits to ensure you understand all the complexities involved and how these programs might affect each other in your specific situation.

Generally, if an individual’s pension benefits are not due to the same disability that led to their LTD claim, they can collect both benefits simultaneously. However, if the pension benefits are related to the disability, the individual may not be eligible for both benefits. This is because the LTD benefits are supposed to cover the individual’s lost income due to their disability, while the pension benefits are supposed to replace their income in retirement.

Additionally, there may be offset requirements in some cases, which means that the amount of disability benefits an individual receives could be reduced by the amount of pension benefits they receive. The offset requirements typically vary depending on the individual’s work history, age, and the specific terms of their policy.

Pension plans, also known as defined benefit plans, provide workers with a set payout upon retirement. The amount usually depends on service length, retirement age, and final salary. Employers sponsor these plans, which are less common today than once but are often replaced by defined contribution plans like 401(k)s. However, millions of Americans still have pension plans, particularly those in public service roles.

The Intersection of Long-Term Disability and Pension

Now that we understand these two terms let’s explore how they interact. Whether you can collect long-term disability benefits and a pension simultaneously depends on several factors, including the type of LTD policy you have, the specifics of your pension plan, and state and federal laws.

Disability Insurance Policies

Many private LTD insurance policies allow individuals to receive disability benefits and pension payments simultaneously. However, the specifics of the policy matter significantly. Some policies might contain an offset provision that reduces your disability benefits by the amount you receive from other income sources, which could include a pension. On the other hand, if your policy lacks such a provision, your disability benefits will not be affected by your pension payments.

Employer-Sponsored Pension Plans

With employer-sponsored pension plans, the rules can vary. For example, some plans may reduce your pension benefit if you receive disability benefits, while others do not. So again, it depends on how the plan is structured and what rules it has in place.

Social Security Disability Insurance

Regarding Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), the federal program that provides long-term disability benefits to eligible individuals, receiving a pension may or may not affect your benefits.

If the pension is from work where you paid Social Security taxes, it generally won’t affect your SSDI benefits. However, if the retirement is from “non-covered” work – jobs where you didn’t pay Social Security taxes, often found in government or foreign employment – it could reduce the amount of your SSDI benefits due to the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) or Government Pension Offset (GPO).

The WEP could reduce your Social Security benefits if you earned a pension in any job where you did not pay Social Security taxes and worked in other jobs long enough to qualify for Social Security. In addition, the GPO affects SSDI benefits when you receive a government pension not covered by Social Security and qualify for Social Security benefits as a spouse or widow(er).

State Laws and Regulations

State laws can also come into play. For example, some states protect pension benefits from being offset against disability benefits. However, this varies significantly from state to state, so you must check the regulations in your location.

Final Thoughts

To summarize, it’s possible to receive long-term disability benefits and a pension simultaneously in the United States. However, the specifics of your LTD policy, the details of your pension plan, whether the retirement is from covered or non-covered work, and the laws of your state can significantly impact how these benefits interact.

Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a knowledgeable attorney, financial advisor, or benefits counselor who understands these complex matters. They can provide guidance tailored to your unique situation, helping you navigate the system and maximize your benefits. Remember, every case is different, and what works for one person may not work for another.

The interplay between long-term disability and pension benefits is complex, with many variables. Understanding how these benefits work together will help you make informed decisions about your financial future despite this complexity.

Therefore, it is essential to understand the specific terms of the disability and pension plans, the individual’s work history, and the regulations in their state to determine if they can collect both benefits or if they need to choose one over the other. Consulting with a financial or legal professional can help individuals better understand their options and make informed decisions.

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Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith is an experienced economist and financial analyst from Utah. He has been in finance for nearly two decades, having worked as a senior analyst for Wells Fargo Bank for 19 years. After leaving Wells Fargo Bank in 2014, Daniel began a career as a finance consultant, advising companies and individuals on economic policy, labor relations, and financial management. At, Daniel writes about personal finance topics, value estimation, budgeting strategies, retirement planning, and portfolio diversification. Read more on Daniel Smith's biography page. Contact Daniel:

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