Making Money on Turo!

What is Turo? is a website where people can rent their cars to travelers and earn additional income. Travelers can book the car of their dreams, and the owner will confirm or decline the trip within eight hours. Turo’s average earnings for car owners is $500 per month.

How do you make money on Turo?

Making money on Turo is based on a service where people can rent their cars to travelers and earn additional income. The process starts with a notification when someone requests to book your vehicle. If you agree to the request, you meet your guest at a predetermined location, get the customer’s license, walk around, note fuel and mileage, and provide keys. Turo’s average earnings for car owners are $500 per month.

Are you making money for side income? Or are you still struggling to earn a good amount of cash to help your budget? Although there are many ways to earn money from them, some options are suitable and have proven to be fast-earning, especially for vehicle owners.

Have you ever thought your car is making money for you if you are one of them? I guess not many believe renting out your car is a great way to make extra money. Now the question is where and how you can do this; although the vehicle is the most expensive property, you want to be safe. I recommend Turo for this.

This is the best way to earn money; you can earn up to 25% more of your budget. This article provides a complete guide to Turo and renting out your cars on Turo.


HereHere’st you need to know about sharing your car and making money on Turo.

What is Turo?

Now, what is Turo? Turo is a company that allows you to rent out your cars (if you want) online and earn money through it. It is like Airbnb for cars. If you own a car, you can rent it on Turo.

If you do not own a car and want a car for a vacation here, you will get the car of whatever you like, select it online, and contract directly with the car owner. It’s interesting that the owner can make at least $500 a month. Turo has provided this platform for the consumer and seller (dealer). TuroTuro’sto is “let” your car work for you.

Yo” upload your car post when available and in its best condition to provide its users with the most reliable services. This way, you will earn by sparing no effort on it.

On Turo, you call your car users to whom you will give you to drive are called “gue” ts.”


There are many pros, but since one of the benefits is highlighted and can be seen easily, you do not have to make any effort or struggle to make money. You can do your regular job 9-5 without compromising your time earning a side income.


Since everything has advantages and disadvantages, making money on Turo also has some hurdles; first of all, it is not easy to make money compared to Airbnb, which is relatively easy. On Airbnb, it is convenient to take care of an apartment and the stuff, but for cars, you need a space to park them, and they should be safe as well. You have to be careful and vigilant about car safety, and the guest should be responsible for security.

It takes a little time to make some profit on the rides you have offered guests because every time you get a new guest, you need to service your car again, which costs you, too.


How does Turo work?

Listing your car is not a thing to make an effort on. This is simple and takes less than 10 minutes to get your vehicle listed on Turo.

Here are some of the steps to follow after you decide to rent out your car on Turo.

  • Sign up on the Turo website, which will ask about yours, like creating your profile.
  • After that, you can list your car on it; by adding some cool pictures of it and its description and setting the charges for a day, you can upload it successfully.
  • It’sIt’sreat feature that Turo holds; it provides you a calculator that gives complete information about the prices of the cars daily, so you do not have to worry about the average car rates or rents.
  • It is an active website that will notify you immediately when your car attracts interested users or people who want to book your vehicle.
  • When you decide and want to move with somesomeone’suest, you set the place to meet. But before handing over the car keys, it’sit’says better to take some further information, for example, take a small test drive with him or her, check his or her driving license, and make a note of fuel that you check before you set off your car.
  • Here you go.
  • After the trip, when you get back to your car and its keys, try to remind yourself that you have to check the car completely.
  • Then ask for the payments.

This way, you can easily make a deal with your prospective customer or user. Turo has verified payment methods for international hosts through PayPal. Here are some tips regarding payment and some main policies.

On Turo, if you have the car host for nearly 72 hours or less, you can get the payment. However, in some cases, if you have rented out for more than a week, Turo will pay your payments partially after seven days.

How much money can you earn from renting out your car on Turo??


Well, somehow, the calculator works basically like the calculator. It gives you an idea of how much you can earn from renting out your car. You will have a rough idea of how much you can make. In some cases, if your city is not on the Turo list, you can still get the average idea of your car.

Earning from renting out depends on, or you can totally be based on, some of the factors that somehow includes:

  • Age and condition
  • Style and features
  • Ease of pickup and drop off
  • Ease of parking

First is your car’car’s, of course, the old car will have fewer charges to drive or put it on rent. Put yourself as a prospective guest of your old car. Will you risk hiring a vehicle that is way too old?

The second comes to the condition; the better it looks, the better the chances for it to be more in demand. If your car is not in the best condition or near perfection, then it’s obvious people might no longer take it for long trips. But there are still chances for your car if you put fewer charges per day.

Third comes the features. The updated and comfortable car will have better opportunities to be paid for the desired charges you put on it. People will pay for sure; if it does not have good features and its outdated model is not in good condition, the same thing happens: fewer charges would have to be applied to it.

You can earn up to 30,000 to 5,000 dollars yearly as a side income for an average, good-looking.

What Type of cars can you put on Turo?

The question is how and which car makes you eligible to rent them out on Turo; it’sit’s to worry about much, though Turo does not take RVs and Bikes (motorcycle).

I have completed research to conclude that over 850 models and cars are now on the roads. There are gas, fuel, hybrid, diesel, or electric cars ranging from sleek to rugged; Turo accepts all of them.

What happens if my car is damaged when someone drives my car?

If you are putting an ad for your car on Turo, obviously, you will be worried about your car. In this case, when you rent your car on Turo, they actually cover up to 1 million dollars of insurance in case there is any loss or damage to the car or maybe theft.

Besides this, there is surveillance on roads in the US and Canada that provides the best customer care and services. If you need any help, you can even contact them.

Tips for hosting your first trip to Turo.

There are some of the tips for you when you host your first Turo trip. These are as follows.

1- Communicate with your car guest

You should be clear about the car’s condition and everything that your car guest really needs to know. Be confident about every detail and make them feel like they have known about the car for a long time.

You need to clarify your familiarity with the car and your familiarity with your car guest before you hand over the car keys. The better you know your guest, the more at ease you will be. Please have a good conversation with him or her before the trip.

2- Service your car

Providing good service before giving your vehicle to the guest is always good. Let it be checked thoroughly and washed inside and outside, too.

That will be considered a good gesture. Check tire pressure, oil, etc., yourself. This will give you an idea of the condition of your car before you give it to your guest.

3- Verify your guest’s driver’s license

This is something significant, so do not take it lightly before you set off in your car and hand over the car keys to the car guest checking out the license.

Giving your precious car in somesomeone’sd whom you do not even know is a risk. So before anything, ask for the license and have a good introduction face to face. So you can be at ease after you give your car to them for the trip.

A small yet important thing: check the expiry date on the license and double-check the details, too. If you encounter any suspicious thoughts, you can contact the customer support service during business hours to ask about your doubts, etc.

4- Be responsive and stay in contact with the host of your car during the trip

During the trip, Turo allows you to contact each other on the app. In any case, if your car guest contacts you on Turo, you should be active in guiding him or her regarding anything he or she wants help with.

Remaining in contact makes you feel relaxed because of the updates, and the car guest will also be relaxed.



Renting out the things you have on your property can be useful if you do not use them. You can make some money out of them.

It’sIt’says useful that people should bring some of those things that they do not have in much use to make some money as the side hustler.

You can save quite a lot of money by renting your car on Turo; just like Turo, there are many other websites you can try. Since Turo has its own significance, there are better chances for your car to be on the safe side. You can always plan to give it a try and earn some extra money, which is not a bad idea.

Good luck with your trip.




Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith is an experienced economist and financial analyst from Utah. He has been in finance for nearly two decades, having worked as a senior analyst for Wells Fargo Bank for 19 years. After leaving Wells Fargo Bank in 2014, Daniel began a career as a finance consultant, advising companies and individuals on economic policy, labor relations, and financial management. At, Daniel writes about personal finance topics, value estimation, budgeting strategies, retirement planning, and portfolio diversification. Read more on Daniel Smith's biography page. Contact Daniel:

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